For ten days or so ending on Bank Holiday Monday I spent several hours every day organising the pornography I’d downloaded over the last three years. Almost all of it was in the form of photo files rather than movie files, and it was half-organised to begin with because most of the time I would save the initial downloads to particular files. Having done so I securely archived the files as I had lost some material last summer when a previous computer failed.
There were lots of photographs to sort, possibly 30,000 and it was a tedious but necessary process if I was to be able to archive and access them quickly in future when I want to wank over a particular model, photo, or theme.
Having done this I decided to spend some time each day throwing away the larger part of my paper pornography, largely re-bound sets from magazines going back to the mid 70s. I can’t say how many photos this is, but the boxes take up nearly three yards of shelf-space.
Working through a box this evening, I was struck by how many single photographs I had kept in my journal boxes just because they were of women showing their bottoms. I’ve known for a couple of decades that I’m sexually fixated on women’s bottoms, and have addressed the reasons why in posts elsewhere, but sorting the stuff as a mass really brought it home to me.

My taste in physical build in women is generally for two basic types, tallish women with small thoraxes, smaller waists, big hips and bums and long strong legs, and for small, slight, almost boyish women.

I was reminded of a time a couple of decades ago when I was receiving counselling for a sexual problem and the counsellor suggested we look at some of my pornography collection to give her a clearer idea of part of my problem. I took a box and she looked through the contents for about 10 minutes before repacking it and putting it by her side on the chair, and said
“Well, my strongest impression is that I’ve seen a great number of bottoms”.
“A great number of bottoms” could be the title of my porn collection, paper and digital.
I can’t absolutely say how far this obsession goes back but in real life I can remember upsetting a young woman I was kissing and petting by slipping my hand down the cleft of her bum and trying to finger her arsehole when I was in my very early 20s.

Before that, in pornography I can remember repeatedly wanking over the photo of a young woman in a very early copy of Rustler because she was posed dressed but on her back with her knees pulled to her chest so that her labia were pressed shut but her arsehole was sunken and open, and I can remember a model called Rosie Whails, with one of the most impressive figures I’ve ever seen, lying on her belly with her arsehole slightly dilated. I found it a very erotic pose and photo, and I remember a number of readers writing letters of approval and disapproval to the next issue, including a man writing from Tehran saying how glad he was that the photograph had been published and how hard it was to get hold of such magazines in the Shah’s Iran.
That showing a model’s arsehole was considered worthy of comment suggests that this was around 1976 when the arsehole was taboo in commercial anglo-american porn, and anal sex between men and women illegal in Britain.
All this suggests it goes back as far as my late teens which is to say over 30 years.
After the initial surprise of being able to buy european hard pornography in the early 80s, which were magazines featuring “normal” sex, I was immediately bored. The first such magazine I ever bought was called “the Sharpshooters” and featured normal vaginal and oral penetration. The second was called “New Cunts” and featured normal vaginal and oral penetration. My third and almost every subsequent purchase was of photo-sets specifically of anal sex. Indeed, the first magazine was named “Anal Sex” and was part of a long series of that name published by the Color CIimax Corporat1on of Copenhagen.
Even when hardcore magazines with photos of normal sex were available I would choose to buy softcore magazines as long as they concentrated on the models’ bottoms, cheeks together or cheeks spread. I was happy to be able to see the twats of the women in the photographs, but they weren’t of particular sexual interest to me, they were just confirmation of the woman’s femaleness, it was nearly always her arsehole I was interested in.

No matter how physically to my taste the woman might be, she had to have a good arsehole – a large anal areola, pink or brown, surrounding a visible tight anal sphincter muscle, and a neat anal opening, either a starburst shaped hole or a vertical slit-like hole. Women posing with open arseholes were rare until around 2000, so all the bum-centric photography was of women with tightly shut arseholes.
Almost all the videos and DVDs I’ve ever bought have been similar. I rarely buy DVDs, but the last ones I did buy (5) were all specialist anal sex videos.
positions I prefer to see: standing while taken from behind
- animal and impersonal

on her knees taken from behind - again animal and impersonal
I’ve rarely considered using prostitutes – I regret this now – but the two times I enquired of them, one a local woman working from the Flats facing my local Hospital, another offering photography sessions with ‘extras’, a well-known former glamour model living in Oldham, I was interested in and made sure they offered anal sex. If I regain potency and can’t find a woman who will love me, I will use prostitutes. At the moment I have two in mind, T1ff Walker

and Andrea Sp1nks,

both very expensive and both former glamour models, both small and girlish, and both allegedly offering anal sex. Both women I have regularly masturbated over in photographs including the ones here, which are my favourites, so I have a good idea what they offer visually.
Even when I was collecting photographs of particular Glamour and Porn Models I was never satisfied until I had a clear photograph of each girl I liked showing her arsehole, and I always sought out any hard pornography of them having things inserted in their arseholes, at least a cock, but preferably inappropriate objects, the larger and deeper up, the better.
I used to buy obscure specialist magazines that featured nothing but photographs of models spreading their bumcheeks and offering their arseholes to the camera, Just a few that come to mind are Derriere, Tail Ends, Big Butts, Booty Call, Rear Views and Buttman.
For me this is the anal equivalent of the open legs "split
beaver" pose for normal men - the woman is pulling apart
the cheeks of her bottom in such a way that there can be
no mistaking the sexual focus of the pose - her arsehole.

Buttman magazine was the first magazine I know of that began to figure women gaping, which is to say with arseholes so dilated that one could see the entire length of their rectums. I’d previously seen a couple of French videos featuring gaping, but that’s all. Buttman also featured and features other great stuff like , lots of very deep bumming, face in arse poses, rimming, and - even better - women squirting milk from their arseholes into other women’s faces and mouths.
A relatively subdued and polite anal gape - chosen
because I like the model's cheeky face.

I’m sure the average woman looking at the bulk of my collected photos would find them silly, offensive and very repetitive. There are a very limited number of poses a human body can strike, and very few variant sexual acts that even the most imaginative human beings can carry out. The pleasure for me is not in the variations of acts and poses but seeing yet another woman offering her bottom and so on.
I’ve written elsewhere that I wonder whether my obsession is rooted in my wanting to sexually humiliate women, or because women’s bottoms are something I can ogle without being noticed and rejected by them for doing.
The non-bottom oriented porn I wank over is generally abusive – women being spanked or whipped, having spunk squirted in their faces, having their breasts hurt and so on, so if my motivation is sexual humiliation would be consistent.
For a while, because I’m sexually excited by the arsehole rather than the fanny, I wondered if I might be gay, but then it struck me that the bodies of both the sexes are almost identical. Even the genitals have homologous structures, and thinking I might be gay because of wanting to put my cock in a woman’s bottom makes no more sense that thinking I was gay for wanting to kiss a woman on the mouth, or have her suck my cock - mouths and arseholes being orifices both sexes have, and indeed most animals too.
It's not as if I find women's genitals repulsive - more often than not I like the look of them, they remind me of inviting, almost edible flowers, and I do sometimes find myself turned on at the sight of them in porn. A full body photograph of a woman showing her legs wide apart and her cunt ready does turn me on, and the prospect of vaginal sex in real life excites me, but in pornography I'm heavily obsessed with the buttocks and anus.

And the ladyparts of Yasm1ne G0ld are particularly lovely:

No, the fixation comes from elsewhere. But it is a fixation: almost all the porn I have is oriented around women showing their bottoms or having things done to their bottoms, or doing things with their bottoms, photographs from the cute to the extreme and many would say the sickening. I can’t see any linking theme in all this stuff except buttocks and arseholes. I’m turned on by a photo of a woman having her buttocks playfully spanked and I’m turned on by a woman with someone’s face buried between her buttocks.

I’m turned on by a woman holding her cheeks apart to display her tight arsehole, and I’m turned on by a woman being deeply buggered or otherwise anally penetrated until her arsehole is sore and gaping. Most extreme I’m turned on by a photo of a fully dressed woman simply baring her round bottom,

and I’m turned on by a photo of a fully dressed woman shitting:
from a rare collection of photos of normal pale skinned european women just
shitting rather than playing with the stuff and smearing it everywhere, Found in the
scat galleries at imagefap.

This isn’t a fetish for shit itself – I’ve seen enough porn of all kinds to know that the core of most scatological pornography is fetishisation of faeces – people shit on each other, play with the shit, smear it over themselves, even eat other’s shit. That isn’t what I’m interested in seeing or doing.
The only time I'm interested in seeing shit smeared is when the woman has a naturally dirty bottom, or on the cock of a man bumming a woman with a dirty bottom.

I’m interested in material of women photographed during the act of defecation, it’s seeing a woman doing the act that excites me, seeing her squeezing out a big long turd, or a jet of wet shit, not the shit itself. So it’s more about invading privacy than it is about defecation. I’m also turned on by photos and the thought of women weeing, expelling enemas, dribbling saliva and even making themselves vomit.
I’ve noticed that Europeans tend to fetishisation of shit, and the Japanese in particular tend to the sort of scenario I prefer, simple straight-forward photographs of women shitting in more or less normal situations – on WCs, in alleys as if caught short in public, and so on.
My favourite photos of women shitting, both japanese,
because the japanese have such a high aesthetic sense
that they can even photograph people shitting with style

Why should I wish to think I’m invading women’s privacy like this? Is it because my self-esteem is so low that this is the only intimacy with a woman I can now imagine?

There’s no connection there that I can see except women’s bottoms. I wonder how this ties in with what I now accept is my very low sense of self-esteem.
Extraordinarily I find it more uncomfortable to admit to having low self-esteem than to admit that photos of women shitting sexually excite me.
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